Importance of User Research in Business Resiliency Through Serious UX
The COVID-induced lockdown affected businesses, as well as the day-to-day lives of many people. In the 6-month long lockdown, economies have suffered. The consumer behavior, their spending pattern has changed due to changes in their income. Ever since the unlock phase began, the spending that had slowed down is resuming its pace. During the lockdown phase, many businesses paused the crucial decision making. Some even shelved their plans to upgrade the products due to the uncertainty. These businesses are now falling behind. The businesses that saw the lockdown as an opportunity and worked through this lean period, have the upgraded products ready. Products that are more relevant to the consumers of today and to their changed behavior, preferences. User research can help us understand the shifts in consumer behavior for better-aligned products. Importance of User Research 1. Relevancy to the changed consumer behavior A lot of design thinkers and researchers have initiate...